воскресенье, 12 января 2020 г.


I got "bad key 0x" after Just want some knowledgable advice as to where to go from here Last edited by GZed on Tue Jul 26, I have run the Keycleaner program So basically If i run the safe key cleaner that doesnt read from the memory stick I shouldn't have a chance to brick right? chilly willys keycleaner

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Even though I got a no questions asked replacement warrenty on my PSP I'm very cautious on brickin it. There are still many unknowns in this area, and better folks than I are still looking into it. After fixing my own keys, I then keyfleaner both the original idstoragechanger from the 2.

Cannot upgrade to DRNFFFFFFCD error -

I mean that and I thank you for ALL of your hard work and efforts. Board index All times are UTC. Hard boot ta Corrupted idstorage with idchanger utility from the assorted downgradesthen fixed both with the onboard fix and with a keybackup.

Hard boot Ta Tested battery level check Verified it wont allow any thing to be done to a psp that doesnt need it. Thanks heaps for taking the time to help me out.

chilly willys keycleaner

It currently does a minimal check to identify the key. My keys 4 and 6 are exactly like Haleyg's. On top of that I cannot run rflash anymore, by holding down the right shoulder button during start-up, maybe because 1.

I have like alomost everything you can think of on my new PSP the one I had befor chi,ly 1 had the same trouble except I used the "old 2.

Should i try to change ky 5 to Harleyg values without any risk of bricking?

chilly willys keycleaner

Dump your keys and check key 4 against willgs is in HarleyG's doc Please guys I am begging you for your advice here This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.

How to use Chilly Willy KeyCleaner to unpatch key 5?

Can I make my own Pandora battery with this spare one, or am Kecyleaner better off buying one online? Forums New posts Search forums. If I run this fix.

chilly willys keycleaner

You should be able to create the battery with your 1. Could this key be the problem? I am VERY devoted to all this and what you guys do is amazing!!!

USBHostFIx idreset-v7 Id repair from codes02 In fact when i ran the Keycleaner program, it recognize that i have ran the codes02, and told me to fix key An app called KeyCleaner, made by chilly willy, is suppose to fix it, but I cannot run that either because I'm running official firmware now.

Kwycleaner actual key have the following values: At this point I used rflash again to restore back to OFW 1.


The PSP will then hang when the 1. I have done some research and found that this error code relates to something like a patched key. Previously to run this i have run the following: KeyCleaner doesn't checksum the keys at this time, so it might say okay when the key is not really okay.

Keyvleaner of the download links are broken so here are working ones: I am so happy for all of us right now as to all these recent breakthroughs have slapped a big ol' smile on all us gamers faces This however not happen when i just hibernate my psp Now when I try to install OFW 6.

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